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welcome to my web home

Welcome, you intrepid and resourceful web surfer, you!  You must have a taste for the obscure, or you wouldn't be here.  I'll do my best to make good use of your eyes and your time.  In return, kindly try not to let the cat out — the other neighborhood cats need a break.


latest in the blog

A Tale of Two Georges

Credit this to being a (relatively) new dad:  I find that I increasingly judge people by how good they are with kids.  It first struck me while walking our neighborhood with my son and our dog around Christmas.  He (the kid, not the dog) was so thrilled to see festive lights on nearly every house, that when we came to a few isolated houses that had ...

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The New Mobile Computing

My train commute to and from San Francisco last week gave me the opportunity to test out my newest mobile writing solution.  It’s something I’ve been interested in doing since the iPad was first announced, but my initial attempt several years ago was a bit awkward. I’ve always been partial to very lean writing machines — ones that ...

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